Top 15 Video Game Waifus

Hey, guys. Gokuzard here. It may be a bit late to say this, but happy new year! Hopefully, this year will be better than the last one. I’m planning on making it so for this website, at least.

I’ve got no less than 4 extra-large lists planned for this year. Let’s start with the smaller big.
Though size is relative. If you know me well enough, you know that when it comes to me, this topic ain’t small.

Tell me if this has happened to you before.
You’re playing a game, watching an anime, reading a manga or whatever and you come across that one character.
A character that you become attached to and eventually maybe grow a crush on.
I think the term is either waifu or husbando (can we make spaosu the gender-neutral term?)

Yeah, I’ve been there, too. As someone who often gets too emotionally invested in fictional characters, I’ve gotten quite a few of those over the years, enough to make a list on just the ones from gaming.

So on a day commonly associated with romance, I’m gonna talk about 15 characters in gaming that I’d love to date.

However, before I talk about them, I kinda have to make some rules.

First of all, while I support LGBT+ rights, I’m a straight man, so don’t ask about my nonexistent husbandos.

Next, we respect women here. This isn’t a list about who I think are the most attractive women in gaming. This is more about personality than anything else. If you’re gonna be a fan service-y character, at least be an actual character.

Also, no furries, scalies, etc. Basically, they’re only allowed if they’re human or look human enough. So no Mipha from Breath of the Wild.
In addition, if a woman is human/looks human enough, but we’ve known them as an animal or furry for most of the time, like Midna from Twilight Princess, she’s also banned.

Next, no characters under 18 (or whatever the equivalent to adulthood for their race is.) I’m not one to say grown adults who simp anime high schoolers are irl pedos, but I’d rather date a woman who’s fully grown. This also applies to immortals who look very underage. However, if a woman starts the game or series underage, but then is an adult later on for a substantial enough amount of time, I’ll let her on here. For example, I’m not putting any of the girl Phantom Thieves from Persona 5 on the list, not only because I haven’t played P5, but also because they’re 17 at the oldest in P5, despite being 18 in Strikers. However, I would consider Karin from Street Fighter because even though she’s a minor in Alpha 3, she’s an adult in SF5, which is a major main series title.

Other than that, standard rules apply; only characters from games I’ve played, so nobody from Persona, only one per franchise, because otherwise, Final Fantasy and Pokémon might dominate the list and only characters originating from video games, as much as I love Asuna from SAO and Mikasa from AOT.

As a side note, some of you may be surprised at some of the entries, some of you may be surprised at the order, some of you may question what the heck I’m thinking and others might absolutely hate some of my choices, but that’s just the nature of crushes. It’s a matter of perspective, really. In other words, these ladies are women I fell in love with because of MY taste in women, so don’t scream too loud if this list doesn’t match yours (and it more than likely won’t.)

Share your own fictional crushes in the comments. Just keep things civil and SFW.
My cause is just, not lust.

With all that said, I’m Gokuzard and I’ve got chocolates, flowers and love letters ready for my top 15 best waifus in video games.

Number 15

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll probably be aware of my love for most of the women on this list.
So let’s start with a woman who I haven’t talked about yet.

Back when I was a little boy, I basically never picked girls. I wouldn’t say I was a misogynist because my 2 best friends in 1st grade were girls and even then, I understood gender roles weren’t really a thing, but in games, I only picked guys.
Nowadays, unless there’s a character I like more personality-wise, I generally tend to shift towards the cute girls in games where gameplay differences are unnoticeable.
However, I didn’t notice this until the middle of last year, when I played Metal Slug 2 and picked Fio.

The only child of the wealthy Germi family, her dad wanted the firstborn to be a boy and have him go through the family tradition of going to the military (as if women can’t be as strong as men,) but Fio’s birth was hard and her mom couldn’t give birth afterwards. Due to Germi tradition, though, she was still put in the military. Also, apparently, she studied acupuncture and chiropractics before enlisting. We don’t see it in game, but I like to think she helps with the team’s broken bones after every game.

Like every other playable character in Metal Slug, Fio makes the US army look like a baby with a gun, taking down hordes of soldiers, aliens, etc. like flies!
Then Metal Slug 6 and 7 (and, by extension, XX) actually made your character choices matter. In Fio’s case, she is heavy weapons girl. And this is her weapon.

Except she costs $800,000 because she can have more ammo for every other special weapon. No wonder she’s got abs in Tactics. Girl must lift to be able to casually carry that thing around. Or 2 of them!

However, Fio wouldn’t be on here for backstory and prowess on the battlefield alone, which is where we get into personality. Despite being a trained Italian soldier with over 9,000 confirmed kills, FIO IS F**KING ADORABLE! Her design, her mannerisms, her Striker Move in KoF 2000, this girl is just so f**king cute! Not the most adorable girl on the list (believe me, we have plenty of others,) but still!

That said, she’s at the bottom because everyone above her is more fleshed out. Metal Slug puts a lot more emphasis on gameplay than the characters. Hopefully, SNK will give us more of a focus on the team when Tactics comes out, but as of now, Fio’s not very well developed.

Though it bears repeating how f**king cute she is on top of being a one-woman army who sends soldiers, aliens and the like to their graves by the hundreds faster than you can say “rocket launcher!”
What can I say? I like my girls how I like my music; heavy (machine gun) and Metal (Slug.)

Number 14

The Mario series is a common place for many kids’ first fictional crushes. While it’s not the series my first waifu came from (we’ll get to that series later,) it’s easy to see why, considering its popularity and a lot of the series has you saving the same damsel in distress.
No disrespect to Peach, but she isn’t on here.

Some of you may know where this is going, but for those who don’t, let’s take a look back to my Mario games list.

Galaxy was my favorite Mario game for a long time and Rosalina is a big reason why.
First of all, in my opinion, she’s easily the prettiest Mario girl. I like blondes and long hair (you’ll see more of both later) and Rosa has both on her side, as well as those beautiful eyes.
However, this ain’t no beauty contest. I’m more into her personality.

The 2 words that best describe Rosa would be sweet and motherly. Get used to seeing those words. They come up a lot on this list. Anyway, as the protector of the Lumas, she takes care of them like they were her own children, feeding them star bits, telling them bedtime stories and getting them ready for their evolution into planets, stars, etc.

Speaking of stories, let’s talk about her backstory. Orphaned (or at least motherless) at a young age, she built the Comet Observatory with this Luma she found one day in hopes of finding her mom. She never did, but what she found instead was a new family of baby stars who all referred to her as their mama. Though seeing as her own mom is dead, this made her cry on the inside, but then she had a dream of her mom telling her not to feel bad and fulfill her role as the protector of the Lumas.

Surprising to see a Mario character with this much depth outside the RPGs.

By the way, the Comet Observatory makes its way to Earth every hundred years, which has to mean Rosa’s over 100 years old. Aside from looking gorgeous for her age, is she immortal?

Anyway, with a graceful design, a motherly personality and a sad backstory, Rosalina leaves me starstruck.

Number 13

Time for the first fighting game girl on the list. Get used to it. It’s the most represented genre on here. If you’re surprised, re-read my favorite genres list.

So what game to go with next? How about Under Night In-Birth? There are more playable girls in that game than fighting game women on this list, but even without the rules disqualifying all but 2 of them, only one of them deserves a spot on the list imo.

And that would be Yuzuriha, AKA the cutest samurai ever.

Like Fio, Yuzu gets on here mostly for being so darn adorable; she’s cheerful and carefree, not really being bugged by much. Heck, she even named her phone and her sword, the former of which she didn’t even know existed back in the start of the story, and the latter of which leads me to her family history.

Back in ye olden days, Yuzu’s ancestors were in a group that slew demons and people corrupted by the night, but then a rival group showed up. Fighting started between the two groups, and Yuzu’s ancestors said “F**k that,” and took an awesome sword that got passed down through the generations.

Then they started a swordfighting dojo, which Yuzu was in, starting in either elementary or middle school, until the family sword was passed down to her, literally the day after her sister went on her first day on patrol, got scared and ran back home like a coward.

Unlike her (probably,) you do not wanna mess with Yuzu when she gets serious! She’s confident enough to say beating the big bad Hilda is easier than carrying the recently beaten up Hyde and Linne, and she has the skill to back it up! I mean, look at these combos! She’s not my main, that’s between Enkidu, Gordeau or Akatsuki, but her combos are pretty flashy!

So while Yuzuriha is far from my best fighting game girl, I’d still love to date her any day or night.

Number 12

To be honest, I haven’t played the game where most of my material for number 12 comes from, thanks in no small part to it not getting a Switch port, though given what the lead developer was doing at the time, that’s understandable.
This is why she isn’t any higher, but I have played the first game she appeared in, so I smell a loophole.

Nintendo, please port Kid Icarus Uprising so I can fill that loophole!

Apparently based on Athena, the Greek goddess of war, Lady Palutena looks and sounds more like a green-haired Aphrodite. In other words, she’s so pretty!

But she’s more than that. As the goddess of light, she’s a pillar of morality in Uprising; sweet, motherly, wise, benevolent, etc.
She’s caring and supportive toward her army and humanity, even if she does sit on the sidelines often. (If only I could find footage.)

However, despite being a literal goddess, she’s not exactly perfect. She REALLY doesn’t like it when people mention her age or call her ma’am. Heck, she nearly fought Phosphora over something as petty as that.

Also, don’t let her cook. She’s a TERRIBLE chef, to the point that when she tries to cook, the food turns into monsters instead! However, I’m a man who believes that cooking, cleaning and the like should be basic skills and not gender roles; in my eyes, the only gender role is the woman being pregnant (with her consent.)

Putting my inner Sonic Boom Knuckles aside, there’s one thing I love about Palu that nobody else on the list has (at least not to the degree that she does.)

She’s such a troll and I love it!
As a bit of a troll myself, I like a troll that doesn’t take things too far.
The pranks that Palu pulls on Pit put me in stitches, from making jokes about his wings getting baked to the monster pheromone thing (which I sadly didn’t find on Youtube either,) which I’d usually count as going too far, but he took care of it.

However, she’s more benevolent than troll-ish and that’s really why I love her.
I’d worship Lady Palutena any day.

Number 11

When you have a game with a cast mostly or entirely made of ladies, you’re more than likely to find someone who interests you if you’re attracted to women. Such is the case with Skullgirls.
I’m not gonna beat around the bush, because many of you knew that Parasoul would take this spot.

Redheads are tied with blondes as my favorite hair color and coupled with those eyes and black leather outfit, Parasoul would probably rank top 5 in terms of sheer beauty, but again, this isn’t a beauty contest.

Unlike most of the women on the list, about 90% of the time, Parasoul has a girlboss demeanor, busting criminal @$$ with napalm tear things, a bunch of soldiers and, well, her parasol. Very apt, Reverge.
That’s not to say she has no empathy. She doesn’t like seeing people suffer. Take her battle quotes against Painwheel, for example.

Since I covered her story before, I’ll be brief here. Her dad started a war, her mom became a Skullgirl to stop said war, only to cause more death and destruction, while being pregnant with her sister, so Parasoul sets out to destroy the Skull Heart. Umbrella gets too close to the Skull Heart for comfort, so instead of shooting it, Parasoul decides to become the next Skullgirl and train Umbrella to be a bad@$$ like her so she’s ready when Parasoul becomes the title character.

However, Umbrella’s story wasn’t out during my Skullgirls list. Yes, there will be spoilers for that here. Skip ahead if you don’t want that.

Parasoul’s mostly the same here, just from Umbrella’s perspective, and she realizes that she’s been a bit overprotective, but on the flip side, she just wants what’s best for her family and her people, the latter being evident by the fact that she’s been keeping their dad locked up until “there’s no need for kingdoms or wars,” as if there’s any need for the latter.

Now I just hope King Franz becomes playable, and if so, wonder what Parasoul’s role will be in his story, but back to the point, Parasoul’s a queen among fighting game women.

Number 10

Now, it’s starting to get REAL good!

The topic of most iconic/influential woman in gaming is often up for debate. For the iconic side, it’s more than likely Peach because 99% of first world people have at least heard of Mario, but aside from her, I often hear 4 ladies mentioned.

Then again, how many other fictional women can you think of who had a pop song named after her?
Did Nicki Minaj’s producer meet up with Capcom for the rights for that or did they just let it slide?
Eh, I don’t know. Let’s get back on track.

2 of the major boxes on my gf/wife checklist are strong and protective. There’s something about strong women that I like (though I’m not the type to scream “punch me, mommy.”) However, I’m the type to protect my loved ones, so I’d like my SO to also protect me. So it’s fitting that the start of the top 10 is a girl that does both.

Being the first lady in a fighting game, Chun-Li is mad strong, but is even more agile, kicking like a Blaziken trained by a Hitmontop, wall jumping like a parkour expert and jumping off people’s heads like a down air spamming Greninja. She definitely earns her title of Strongest Woman in the World!

More importantly, Chun has a strong sense of courage and justice, being a former agent of Interpol. She became a cop after her dad went missing. And by “went missing,” I mean “got killed by Bison.” Of course, for him, it was Tuesday. Anyway, she started to despise Bison and everything he stood for, making her life goal to bring down him and Shadaloo, no matter what.

Even after Bison’s downfall, she still kept her sense of justice. In Third Strike, she fought Urien after he kidnapped a girl she was teaching martial arts to.

And now she’s in Fortnite, for some reason. Seriously, you’ve got kids in the 2020s thinking that one of the most influential women in gaming originates from Fortnite. Respect your gaming history. And your women.

Anyway, we’ll see more strong and protective women as the list goes on, but Chun-Li kicks my heart into high gear.

Number 9

Still on the topic of fighting games, The King of Fighters (as well as Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting) has many lovable Queens of Fighters, enough to make a fighting game with them, a few more SNK girls and rule 63 Terry.

I could make a countdown with them alone, but I had to go with Mary Ryan, better known as Blue Mary. I LOVE this girl!

Real talk: I was originally planning on putting Mai on the list. I had a rough draft prepared for her and everything, but just as I was ready to explain why she’s for good girls and boys, she ended up getting Max Dynamite Swung off the list.

Mary is a lot of things; she’s a freelance detective, she’s a blues singer in her spare time, she’s friendly, she’s a motorcycle owner, she’s a dog owner and she’s a grappler, though she doesn’t exactly play like Zangief as a cute girl. Her fighting style is based on Sambo, which has more aerial grapples.
She jumps onto people’s heads like Diddy Kong, snaps their bones like Cammy from Street Fighter, swings them around like Mario 64 and throws them 100 feet in the air, regardless of weight!

Though I feel bad for her because her dad’s dead and she had a previous boyfriend who also died. Apparently, they were in the secret service and got shot and killed by terrorists. Naturally, she didn’t take this well and now her only companions were her dog, her motorcycle and her dead bf’s jacket.

In any case, she became a freelance detective afterwards and before I continue, I’m gonna say the Fatal Fury and KoF timelines split around FF3/KoF ’94 and I’m ignoring the Real Bout timeline.

Commissioned to join the tournament in KoF ’97 alongside yakuza boss Ryuji, as well as Billy, the right hand of infamous crime boss, Geese, she finds out that the former had gone crazy and stupid thanks to Orochi blood. Also, the commissioner was Geese himself and he had sent Billy to learn the secrets of said power.

Afterwards, she reports her findings to Terry (you know, the guy who got in Smash,) who had knocked Geese off a tower twice, then gives him her number, which leads into why she’s best KoF girl.

In all honesty, Mary’s the best girlfriend a fighting game protagonist could ask for, aside from- ok, let’s get back on track. There’s never any hard feelings when she and Terry fight, she’s always looking out for him whenever the evil organization of the hour is involved and after his supposed death post KoF ’99, her main focus was trying to bring him back. He didn’t actually die, though, which is great for her. Wouldn’t want to love and lose twice.

Here’s hoping they keep everything I love about Mary when KoF 15 drops in 3 days (so close and yet so far,) but whatever happens, this girl’s worth marrying.

Number 8

We’ve come a long way from every other girl in gaming being little more than damsels in distress. Nowadays, many games have female protagonists, especially recently. Between games like Hat in Time, Tomb Raider, the Horizon games and another series I’ll get to later, there have been plenty of games with girls taking the leading role, especially in recent years.
Though as they say, you never forget your first.

You boot up a list like this and it’s likely that Samus Aran will be mentioned at some point, but back in ’86, when the first Metroid game came out, gender equality wasn’t exactly as big as it is today and blowing up aliens was seen as “manly.” Heck, even the instruction book used male pronouns for Samus, so seeing her take off her helmet and/or Power Suit if you beat the game fast enough and finding out she was a girl was surprising at the time. This is why I don’t assume genders.

Speaking of taking things off, though, she’s unfortunately Nintendo’s most fan service-y classic character, taking off more clothes the faster you beat her games, but at least she doesn’t take it all off.
And yeah, she’s gorgeous, but I love Samus for reasons other than how good she looks. This is gonna be a running theme for most of the rest of the list, but if you judge a book solely by her lack of cover and ignore her personality, you might be sexist! Anyway, let’s talk about the stuff that matters about Samus, starting with her backstory.

Back when Sammy was a kid, her home planet was invaded by the space pirates. They ain’t like your standard-issue small-time plunderers either! These space pirates are basically a frickin’ army, with the general being a giant purple dragon who ate Sammy’s parents and decided she wasn’t worth his time!

She was then raised by space bird people named the Chozo, who gave her power armor and trained her to be a bad@$$ warrior!

Samus is so awesome, in fact, that she nearly exterminated an entire race of blood-sucking parasites known as Metroids, one of which got exposed to space poison and copied her DNA!

Then she nearly exterminated their natural prey, the X-Parasites, which are even worse parasites that can copy the DNA of anything! One of them copied Samus’ DNA and stole her Varia Suit, with her only surviving the first time around because she was injected with Metroid DNA!

Not to mention, she’s killed a bunch of giant monsters, including Ridley on many occasions!

I won’t spoil Dread here, but let’s say it continues the trend.

Yeah, Sammy’s probably the most hardcore woman on the list. However, she isn’t just a cold-blooded killer. What I love most about her is that she has a kind and motherly side to her. This is shown best by the baby Metroid in Return of Samus and its remake. After blowing up every other Metroid she’s seen, she saw that this one wasn’t hostile and spared it.

Over the course of the game, they formed a mother and child relationship, even 2v1-ing Ridley at the end of Samus Returns.

Then the baby deus-ex-machinas its way into the final battle of Super Metroid until it gets killed by Mother Brain, who has evolved into a dinosaur thing. This pisses off Samus and she uses the power of motherly love to finish her off.

All this without saying too much. To paraphrase someone who might show up later on the list, you don’t need to speak to express yourself. Samus’ actions speak a LOT louder than words ever could.

At least when she’s not only doing things when authorized!

This is what keeps her from getting any higher! Even though I haven’t played Other M, I’ve heard about the botched story and how butchered Samus is in this game and I never want to play it!

Despite Other Mess, Samus is still one of my favorite protagonists in gaming; she was one of my first waifus and she’s the blueprint for many other women to follow.
Not only that, but she’s also one of my best girls in Smash! Actually, my love for Sammy started in Smash. Sure, it boiled down to pre-teen/teen me looking respectfully at Zero Suit, but again, I love her for being a bad@$$ mama now.
Anyway, I’m not as good at this character as most of my others, but blasting people in the face with a charge shot is so satisfying!

Zero Suit’s ok, I guess.
Now what’s the bounty on Ms. Aran’s heart?

Number 7

Some of the women on this list are from games I’ve played at least 5 years ago, but I only fell in love with others relatively recently.
Oddly enough, though, number 7 is both; I played a bit of this next game back when I was in high school, but I never got to this character until April 2020.

The month before, I got Tales of Vesperia (specifically, the Switch version) for myself.

I was thwarted last time I wanted to talk about this lady, but before we get to her, let’s briefly discuss the women of the party. Half of them are underage, and while one of the 2 adult women in the party is 99% sugar and rainbows, I didn’t fall in love with her nearly as hard as the other.

Ok, let’s get the obvious out of the way. She’s a fan service-y character with less shame than Samus, but Judy’s more than just candy for the eyes and ears. There are many reasons why she can get the Trophy Wife title.

First off, personality-wise, she’s playful, loves fighting and is a bit cocky, often taunting her enemies. Despite that, she’s the wisest and most mature member of Brave Vesperia and has a sweet and motherly side to her.
She’s the Misty to Raven’s Brock, smacking him across the face when he goes gaga over any other girls. She’s also garbage at lying, even admitting to it, so if she cheats, I’d probably know. I’d trust her to stay loyal, but still.

Judy’s also one of the best characters in the game in terms of combat! She’s got high physical attack and defense and a benefit of not wearing much is that she’s one of the fastest characters in the game!
Not to mention, her combo game is ridiculous! Some weapons give her a double jump, others let her use Artes in midair, some weapons can do both and a lot of her Artes give her added mobility, letting her overwhelm opponents like nobody’s business! This is why I main her!

However, I don’t think I can talk about her for very long, even unlocking her, without tripping over spoilers.

So if you haven’t played this amazing game, please fix that and/or skip ahead.

You have been warned.

Early in the game, you have a few encounters with some guy riding a flying whal- I’m sorry. A dragon.
Anyway, he goes around and destroys blastia, which do a lot of things, like protecting towns from monsters or controlling the weather.
Needless to say, it seems like he’s a bad guy.

(Important things happen around 3:10.)

Why am I bringing this up?
Well, a bit later in the game, you get thrown in prison with the dragon rider.
As it turns out, under that armor, he’s Judy in disguise.

After her gender reveal, she and Yuri get the idea to start a fight to get the guards to open the cell and she sends him across the room with one punch! Jeez, she’s strong!

Anyway, obviously, Yuri’s a bit skeptical of Judy, so he asks why she blows up blastia and she says it’s because she feels like it. There’s a real reason why, but that involves going further into spoilers, so if you don’t want that, skip ahead.

TL;DR, the specific type of blastia she destroys, known as Hermes blastia, was invented by her dad relatively recently and is so powerful that it slowly f**ks up the world. The race of super intelligent monsters known as Entelexeia realized this and started destroying Hermes blastia, but humans have been using them for years and didn’t like that very much. Also, they’re kinda racist to monsters and started the Great War, which got Judy’s hometown destroyed in the crossfire.
Unfortunately, there are barely any Entelexeia left and some Hermes blastia are still hanging around, so Judy took it upon herself to destroy the rest of them.
So while it seemed like she was a villain at the beginning, she actually does have a good reason for the things she does.
Again, this is why I don’t assume things.

(Things happen at 39:38.)

By the way, she was protecting her Entelexeia mount/pet/friend, Ba’ul, from monster hunters while he was evolving into the sentient airship of the game, and when the party helps her, she decides “maybe humans can be trusted with Hermes blastia.”

I won’t go further to avoid more spoilers (and because the Wiki still isn’t helping,) but I’ll just say women like Judith only come around once in a blue moon.

Number 6

If I’m being honest, numbers 6 and 5 were borderline neck-and-neck for me, so take the order of the next 2 with a grain of salt. That salt probably coming from people who say that anything that has a woman that shows even a bit of skin is automatically hentai, but I digress.
Anyway, it may be a given, but media can be weird. There’s nothing wrong with being weird (take it from me,) but sometimes, I don’t know what the f**k is going on in some writers’ heads. For example, a common trope in Japanese media especially is turning inanimate objects into people. We’ve turned boats into girls, we’ve turned video game consoles into girls, we’ve turned planets into girls and, of course, we’ve turned swords into girls.

Either form of the Aegis from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, or the Bae Blades, as I like to call them, could’ve made the list, but I have an especially soft spot for Pyra.

At the time of writing this, I haven’t played Torna yet, but I have beaten vanilla Xenoblade 2, so if you don’t want spoilers, skip ahead.

Anyway, let’s get this out of the way. I try not to say things like this in case people get the idea that I think with my hormones first (people probably do anyway,) but Pyra’s hot. I mean that both figuratively and literally. Not only is she gorgeous with a very nice figure, but she’s also a pyromancer.

While I’ve only brought it up like 3 times, fire’s my favorite of both the classical elements of most mythologies and gaming’s archetypal elemental trinity, so someone who uses it and looks this good doing it earns major respect in my book, assuming they aren’t heartless, irredeemable pricks and don’t annoy me in one way or another.
In case you haven’t figured out my type yet, Pyra’s the complete opposite of the former; she’s warm, friendly, sweet and too precious for this world.

Heck, the first thing she does in the game is sacrifice half her life so Rex can live after he got stabbed in the back. Kinda saw it coming. I mean, you don’t just trust an edgy-looking masked person, unless the mask is over their nose and mouth.

Anyway, in exchange, she wants him to take her to the big tree in the middle of the sky, so she can meet the god of the world, who made the canonically broken Aegis. Rex agrees, and having an emerald cross stuck in his chest makes him the wielder of the Aegis, thus awakening Pyra, and MAN, does she know how to make an entrance?!

Though being a living super weapon means a lot of assassination/theft attempts that often get stopped by the JRPG cliché of having to introduce more characters for like 7 chapters, through which, of course, Pyra and Rex’s bond grows. I don’t just mean emotionally, though. Turns out giving him half her life made Pyra feel pain whenever Rex does and vice versa, instead of the usual thing of Blades being notoriously fast healers. This comes back several times.

Remember those aforementioned theft attempts? One group trying to kidnap Pyra is known as Torna, led by this guy named Malos, and one of their methods is kidnapping children and insisting Pyra goes alone to try to get her. It’s a giant red flag, but being as selfless as she is, she goes anyway. Thankfully, the party arrives just in time to help her, but they can’t do $h!t because one of them has a magic barrier thing.

Then the team’s muscle tries to distract Torna so the rest can run off, but Rex insists on not doing that. Said muscle ends up dying and Rex, blinded by rage, rushes at Malos, who just so happens to be a Blade. An Aegis, in fact. Yeah, great idea, if you wanna end up like Vandham!
Pyra, not wanting that to happen, then evolves into the blonde elephant in the room (I guess Digivolution would be a more apt comparison.)

While I also love Mythra, I didn’t put her on the list because she wishes she could be like Pyra! Literally. Mythra actually made Pyra as a reflection of everything she wishes she could be. While Mythra’s an aggressive tsundere, Pyra’s just too sweet and precious. She’s literally Mythra’s better half. Aside from power, because Mythra’s so broken, she sank 3 Titans, leading her to make Pyra in the first place, both out of grief and for a form that won’t cause mass destruction!

Anyway, after yet another kidnapping and assassination attempt, which ended up causing the titan they were on to start falling, the party starts seeking the control unit for the giant worm blocking their way to Elysium. Turns out that Torna’s also trying to get to the giant tree, and after a long battle, Rex’s murderer, Jin, has him pinned down, so Pyra decides to threaten suicide, since Malos needs her for his plan to work.

So Malos kidnaps the Bae Blades and starts yoinking their memories, but it only seems to work temporarily, as when Rex and the party show up, Pyra doesn’t react, but eventually, both she and Mythra beg him to let them die, believing the world’s better without them (nobody should believe that, by the way.) Rex basically says f**k that, and the Bae Blades evolve/fuse, which is techically a separate character, but since you can use whichever name you want, and Pneuma sees herself as both Pyra and Mythra, I think I can use a loophole here.

(Things happen at 0:43)

Anyway, she’s basically Pyra without her insecurity, and Mythra, but less aggressive, and able to rewrite physics using a Gundam in the sky. Like, say, achieving light speed, summoning monster things that make everyone tumble into an ancient ruined city, and healing Jin even after all the bull$h!t he’s put them through, like the sweetheart she is.

I’m gonna stop spoiling here, for today, at least, so let’s move on to Smash. Like Samus, I first started to like her because of Smash, but unlike preteen me looking respectfully at Zero Suit, Pyra’s personality was pretty well implemented for Smash standards and a lot of the fanart I’ve seen around the time of her and Mythra’s reveal was cute (when it wasn’t morons complaining.)
Also, they’re by far my best girls in Smash, the former overall and both in terms of gameplay. More on that in a future list, but I’ll just say they’re high on the tier list for a reason, despite how braindead they are, for the most part.

So while on the battlefield, Pyra burns with the heat of 1,000 suns, when off the battlefield, she sets my heart on fire.

Number 5

While I’m not the biggest fan of the visual novel genre, I’ve gotta admit that the genre puts a lot more effort into the story and characters than many other genres. It’s a prime target for this kind of list for many other people, especially with how many of them are dating sims.
Case in point, let’s head to Tsukihime.

For those who don’t know about this game, it’s a visual novel made by the same people who made Fate, which the former predates by about 4 years. Unlike Fate, which is probably one of the biggest visual novels out there, with a couple dozen prequels, sequels, spinoffs and adaptations, Tsukihime and its fighting game spinoff series, Melty Blood, sadly fell into obscurity.

They really shouldn’t have. The latter’s one of the most fun fighting game series out there, the stories are mostly engaging and they’ve got plenty of lovable characters, especially in regards to Tsukihime’s potential love interests.

For the uninitiated, though, if you’re considering checking out Tsukihime, well, let’s just say there’s a reason the game has the Japanese equivalent of an M rating aside from swearing and excessive amounts of blood. I don’t know if it’s explicitly shown in the game itself, but it is in the manga. Though it won’t be here. Don’t worry.

Side note: I’m focusing mostly on the original timeline and not the remake timeline because the remake is Japan-exclusive.

Anyway, I knew that I’d love Arcueid Brunestud from very early on.
I just didn’t expect her in the top 5!

Unlike with Xenoblade or another game I’ll get to later (despite how some fans of both games insist otherwise,) Tsukihime’s the kind of game that lets you decide the protagonist’s love interest through dialogue options. I never actually played it, but the manga did that for me. Granted, it does kinda feel like cheating putting her on here and not playing Tsukihime, but I have played Melty Blood and even if I actually played it, I feel like I’d go the Arcueid route anyway.

Also, since we’re dealing with a story-rich visual novel/fighting game series that just got a remake and a new game last summer and last fall, respectively, I’m gonna put a spoiler warning here.

Anyway, I already knew she was a vampire, so her “death” didn’t surprise me that much aside from Shiki going murder crazy.

(Things happen around 3:20.)

What was weird to me is the fact that instead of running from or trying to revenge kill him after reviving, she has him go on a vampire hunt with her. Guess dying means a drop in power.
The good thing is Shiki’s basically Kenshiro with a knife, so seeing how well he killed the $h!t out of both vampires in question, Arc decides to bring Shiki along for another vampire hunt (inviting him at his school, mind you,) during which time, they start growing on each other.

This leads me to why Arc’s this high: SHE’S SO CUTE!!!!! Going in mostly blind, I was expecting her to be a mean girl or a villain, but she’s really a cheerful, lovable, sweet woman with a smile that could brighten anyone’s day. Second most adorable girl on the list! Don’t @ me!

Though that precious smile wasn’t always there, but explaining her backstory would take 800 years. Basically, she was born a soulless superweapon who had known nothing but combat her whole life, inadvertently made a pure evil version of Alucard from Hellsing, AKA Roa, killed most of her race and then began a vicious 800+ year-long cycle of nothing but killing pure evil Alucard, respawning at home, being chained and going to sleep, rinse and repeat!

When I put it like that, her excitability over the little things in life makes sense. Like Arc herself says, Shiki broke her. The date scene hit me hard, especially since I read the manga post-2020 (I just wish I could find it on Youtube.)

In the end, she tries to 1v1 Roa at Shiki’s school, despite being massively nerfed thanks to Shiki killing her. Naturally, it doesn’t go well, until Shiki shows up. So after Roa explains that Shiki took everything from him (long story,) the former beats the $h!t out of the latter, but before round 2 starts, Arc wants a runback, just to protect Shiki, even though she knows this is a losing matchup the way she is now!

Turns out Arc somehow survived, but she has just long enough before she’s chained again to go to Shiki’s school and tell him goodbye. He doesn’t like that idea that much and even insists she drinks his blood just for her to not reference Infinity War, but she refuses because she loves him too much. Is someone chopping onions?

Though in Arc’s good ending, she stays and they spend the day together, but I prefer the manga’s ending, where Shiki finds Castle Brunestud just to kill the chains that bind her. Not only does it play more with my shipping heart, but it also makes more sense that she’s in Melty when she’s not chained to a chair.

Speaking of, I tend to lean towards 5 types of characters in fighting games: Shotos, rushdowns, rekkas, grapplers, and sometimes whoever I like best personality-wise. So you could probably guess that Arc’s one of my favorite characters to play as in any fighting game, let alone Melty!

Plus, in base form, she was able to beat the $h!t out of her true form in the set of her mind, trying to destroy the world!

(At 27:35.)

You know what?! I’m just gonna say it! Arcueid is best princess in gaming! She’s a bad@$$ with one of the sickest themes in any fighting game, but she’s also a ball of sunshine cute enough to make my heart melt.

Number 4

As much as I love Arc, she’s not my best fighting game girl. For that, we head to BlazBlue and FINALLY get my love of her off my chest.

You could probably tell that I’ve been getting into this series lately. Sure, the games have a lot of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey shenanigans and that makes writing about them needlessly complicated, and I’m likely to miss something even within the main series games, but I’m willing to include a character anyway.

I could briefly mention other women from the franchise that could’ve made the list, but in my eyes, there’s only one woman who’s worthy of being crowned best girl in both BlazBlue and fighting games as a whole; one that, out of the women of the franchise, best displays those traits I’ve been repeating throughout this list.

So after waiting for what feels like 3,000 years, I can finally express my love…

for Litchi Faye-Ling.

Oh, look, another fan service-y character. “KJ, have you turned horny on main?” No, but I can kinda see where you’re coming from.
With Litchi’s design and giant stick, there are some obvious jokes here, but while BlazBlue is a bit shameless when it comes to fan service, especially with Litchi, they at least treat her like an actual character instead of just a walking sack of woman meat. Usually.

Anyway, in a similar vein to Judy, Litchi was a girl I kinda liked about 6 and a half years ago, but not enough to put her that high on the list if I made it back then. In this case, I watched the anime a few days after I turned 18 and I liked it, but I initially didn’t realize THE WRITERS CRAMMED THE PLOTS OF CALAMITY TRIGGER AND CONTINUUM SHIFT INTO 12 EPISODES! However, I played through the whole main series, so I can write somewhat competently about her (I say somewhat because the BlazBlue plot gives the average perception of Kingdom Hearts a run for its money.)

In the games that aren’t visual novels or on mobile, like the other fighting game women on the list, Litchi’s got some sick combos. She’s not my main, but I love watching her fight, even if I haven’t seen her place high in many tournaments. Granted, I haven’t seen many BlazBlue tournaments, since I refused to until I finished Central Fiction at the end of January, but still.

If you happen to be on the receiving end and it was just self-defense, she’ll more than likely patch you up after. She’s a doctor that rarely, if ever, charges for treatment (which America could take notes on,) she looks after a village of cat people, and just about everyone loves her.

And why not?! To put it simply, LITCHI IS PERFECT! Heck, even the Wiki describes her as the perfect woman! Of course, perfection is subjective, but I’d have to agree; not only is she INSANELY beautiful, but she’s also intelligent, straightforward and honest, with a heart so big that not even her breasts can fit it.

Take Carl’s ending in Continuum Shift. After he attacked her, believing all adults are selfish @$$holes (#notalladults,) she realizes he basically took magic steroids, and comforts him with a hug.

Or how about after her fight with Platinum in the same game? Even though Luna attacked her after assuming she was basically pulling some succubus bull$h!t, Litchi understands it was just a misunderstanding and she forgives her.

However, despite what I said earlier, she’s not exactly perfect. Back in the day, she was in the leading science department, Sector 7, but her former colleague/love interest, Roy, turned into Arakune, this blob thing with a Shy Guy mask, after he got too caught up in his research and tried to harness the power of the Boundary (basically a world of infinite not magic that normal people shouldn’t go near.)
Litchi blames herself for Arakune’s transformation and left Sector 7 to find a way to fix him, no matter what it takes. Yes, this does involve spoilers.

(Important stuff starts around 35 minutes in.)

She’s tried hand fishing for magic sanity-stealing pandas from the Boundary itself, searching for all-powerful MacGuffins, teaming up with @$$holes like Relius, who you may remember from my hated characters list (and I have since found out that I put him too low,) to factory reset the world, or fighting Death herself in what’s basically a replica world that she wasn’t even supposed to be allowed in, but that says a lot about her determination to bring Roy back to normal, as fruitless as it may seem to be. The girl’s clearly loyal, and that’s another thing I love about her (more on that later.)

Turns out that all her efforts were in vain, but not for the reason you’d think. After she beats said embodiment of death, it’s revealed that the aforementioned panda was the missing piece of Roy all along, and he was the reason why she was even allowed in the replica world!

(Things happen 22 minutes in.)

Though Arakune still has the rest of Roy’s soul, so Litchi still tries to find him, though he’s been searching for one of the aforementioned all-powerful McGuffins since the first game, and end up eating her! At this point, Roy’s spirit shows up, yeeting her out while asking Litchi to kill Arakune. Well, she tried, but her biggest in-game simp bonked her on the head and then killed Arakune to stop her from being eaten again. A hollow end, but at least that’s a monkey off her back. (Sadly, I couldn’t find footage on Youtube.)

I like to think she’s doing a lot better in the epilogue. Hopefully when the next BlazBlue game comes around, she’ll have a happy life with Roy, because I need my happy ending, darn it!

So yeah. Litchi’s a goddess-tier waifu and it’s more than just because she’s a fan service character who can kick your @$$ into next week; she’s nice enough to patch it up and not charge you for it, she’ll follow her loved one to the ends of the earth and just call me an ambulance because my heart can’t take her!

Number 3

If you didn’t expect the top 3 at some point, do you really know me? Granted, not everyone follows me on Twitter, but still.

So let’s skip the buildup and bow once again to the goddess of indies!

Y’all ret-2-go?

MAN, I love Shantae, both her games and the half-genie heroine herself! Not only is she my second-best protagonist in gaming, but she’s also my third-best waifu in gaming!

Some of you may question if she even qualifies, but the series’ creator has basically confirmed that she is an adult throughout the whole franchise, so put those pitchforks away.

Alongside what I said in the heroes list; the Aladdin reference, her sense of justice, her willingness to help others, I absolutely adore her nearly unwavering optimism. Shantae has been through Hell and back, quite literally, but that doesn’t keep that smile off her face for long!
And man, what a smile! She’s SO frickin’ cute, easy top 5 on the list in terms of how pretty she is!

On the subject of appearances, though, she’s one of the most fan service-y characters on the list, but again, like every other woman on this list, she’s not just a fan service character. She’s optimistic, she’s fun-loving, she’s a true heroine and she’s a genuine friend.

That last part leads into probably my favorite thing about Shantae, her willingness to sacrifice for her loved ones.

This leads into spoilers for the first 3 games and Seven Sirens.

At the end of the OG, after beating the crap out of Risky, Shantae ascends to the genie realm and is offered to stay there and protect the world with her mom. However, upon hearing that she’ll never see her friends again, she declines.

At the end of Risky’s Revenge, Risky kidnaps Mimic and offers for Shantae to hand over some magic seals if she wants him back. Despite Mimic telling her it’s a bad idea, Shantae gives Risky the McGuffins.
To be fair, Shantae didn’t know those were the keys to unlock a lamp. If you know how genies work, you could probably guess what happens. You’d be wrong. Since she’s only half-genie, she’s not bound to the rules of the lamp. Instead, it sucks up her magic, turning her fully human and creating a dark version of herself named Nega-Shantae, but she beats the crap out of her with no transformations, items only, Final Destination.

Then in the true ending of Pirate’s Curse, the Pirate Master kidnaps Risky and demands Shantae to give him the dark magic that she’s been gathering over the game.
Risky has already told her that if he gets the dark power, he can and will destroy the world and said dark magic might just be the remnants of Nega-Shantae, but after being on a journey with her the whole game, Shantae started believing she and Risky could be friends, so she gives him the dark power.
However, Shantae has such a pure heart that the dark magic turned to light, allowing her to absorb it and team up with Risky to finish him for good.

(At 5:27)

Lastly, in the ending of Seven Sirens, after the Ghost Siren gets her @$$ kicked and the other half-genies take back the life force she stole, the Sunken Ship starts exploding like the end of a Metroid game. As everyone else is leaving, Shantae realizes that Risky’s still unconscious on the ship and, still hoping she’ll get her redemption arc (which I don’t think will happen anytime soon,) she stays on board to save her. Call it naïveté (and you’d be right,) but I see it more as selflessness.

(At 2:53)

There’s just so much I love about Shantae and marrying her would be a wish come true!

You know what’s not a wish come true?
The fact that they reduced her to a Mii costume (yes, I’m still salty.)

Now, let’s bring up some honorable mentions, since the top 2 should be obvious to at least some of you.

Blaze Fielding from Streets of Rage, an absolute boss, but not as sweet as most of the women on the list.

Sky from Shantae. She’s mature and caring (when she’s not insisting on enjoying her vacation,) but dating her would mean dealing with bird poop.

Daisy from the Mario series. She’s cute, sassy and tomboyish, but can we all agree that her N64 voice is 1,000 times better than her modern voice?

Fiora from Xenoblade. She’s so cute and sweet. Would’ve easily made the list if I didn’t fall so hard for Pyra.

Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury/King of Fighters. She’s fun to play as, she’s nice to those she cares for and she’s hilariously obsessed with Andy. If I were him, I would’ve dated her MUCH earlier.

Zelda. When you combine the best parts of each one, she’s wise, she’s sweet, she’s playful and she mostly at least tries to escape being kidnapped, but I haven’t played that many Zelda games and only 2 of them at most are adults (unless you count BotW Zelda, who we only see as an adult for like one scene at the very end.)

Cammy White from Street Fighter. Even though she’s known basically nothing but combat her whole life, she’s polite, respectful and friendly to those she cares for.

Millia Rage from Guilty Gear. While she does come off as cold and emotionless, she is compassionate deep down. Would’ve probably made the list if I had caught up with the series.

Flannery from Pokémon gen 3. With the fiery passion of 1,000 erupting volcanoes, this girl sets my heart ablaze (puns entirely intended.)

Tsubaki Yayoi from BlazBlue. When she’s not being controlled, she’s mature and protective to her friends and loved ones. Plus, she and Jin are best ship in the series. Don’t @ me.

And Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy 7, a sweet and optimistic, but sassy and goofy flower saleswoman/healer turned force of nature.

Number 2

If you follow me on Twitter, you know it’s not a matter of who’s at the top 2, but the order of the top 2.

Some of you may be surprised to see that our next woman is only at number 2, but number 1 had one clenching factor that made her just barely edge out over number 2.

With that said…


Ok, let’s get this out of the way. She’s f**king GORGEOUS!!! In fact, I think she’s the prettiest woman on the list, even more than number 1, even back in the original, but I was legit speechless when I saw her BDSP model! She’s got knee-length blonde hair that covers her left eye, she’s got amazing hazel eyes, she’s got lovely lips and a beautiful smile, she’s got long, lovely legs and she’s got a nice hourglass figure.

Aside from being the first female Champion, she’s a passionate sweetheart who often helps out those who look up to her. As someone who loves Pokémon lore, as well as someone who often rambles about my hyperfixations, I love her tendency to ramble about mythology. Also, she can be really cute when she wants to be, her indecisiveness over what flavor of ice cream to get or what swimsuit to go with being examples of this. Plus, she’s the first Champion to actually head into the box mascot’s domain with you. Granted, she does nothing about Cyrus, but it’s nice to have someone there to help.

At this point, I’m a record that’s been broken 4 times over, but my Pokémon characters list was main series only.
The first time I saw Cynthia was in the Diamond and Pearl Adventure manga.

No, not that one. I’m still on the gen 3 saga.

That one.
I generally don’t believe in love at first sight, but my first sight of her was her tripping that one Team Galactic grunt and then having Garchomp nearly cut him in half! This specific version of Cynthia was the origin of my love of bad@$$ sweethearts.

Also, remember what I said about Game Freak loving her enough to put her in both gen 5 and gen 7? Well, the writers for the anime must love her too, because aside from Ash himself, Cynthia’s in more episodes of the anime than any other Champion. A lot of the moments when she appears are some of the best in the gen 4 anime (visual aides are limited, though.)

Like any good Champion, she exudes wisdom and maturity (when she’s not deciding what flavor of ice cream to get.) She’s also downright untouchable, wrecking every inch of Paul’s $h!t, with only his Torterra being able to even scratch her Garchomp alone in her first appearance, and destroying the Elite Four members and the Team Galactic commanders ad nauseum!

Then she returned in the Meloetta arc, which, by the way, is the best arc in the BW anime. First off, I thought she couldn’t look any more gorgeous, but DEAR ARCEUS do I love this redesign!? The blue top and pants look even better on her than the original all-black outfit and I wish they used it in the games!

Again, she plays a supportive role here, helping take care of the injured and sick Meloetta, helping Iris with her rebellious Dragonite, and that one savage burn against Alder that not even his Volcarona could match.

I’m still on the SM saga, but seeing her return in Journeys made me really happy and from the looks of it, she’s still as lovable as ever.

Then there’s Masters. I got into it at the beginning of this year, and you can guess that I pretty much always have a variation of Cynthia on my team! The Giratina alt is the most gorgeous she’s ever looked, her expressions are sheer platinum (no pun intended,) she at least tries to get Team Galactic to change their ways, and I love breaking faces with her like nobody’s business!

This leads me to the Cherubi on top: the best battles in Pokémon history! Fight me!
As a man who loves video games more than life, I want a woman who also loves the games I love. Not only that, but I want her to give me the adrenaline rush that only a rival of equal skill or somewhere around that can give me.
In other words, I want a woman who can give me a challenge in the competitive games I love without making me feel like I can’t beat her. And I mean off the bat. I don’t want to have to train her to love video games or train her to get to my skill level.

As the Champion- no, the goddess of Sinnoh, there are few things that Cindy loves more than a good fight and in all her appearances, she’s tough, but unlike what the memes say, she’s not impossible! In other words, remember that “punch me, mommy” joke I made earlier? Well, the closest we get to that is Cynthia’s AMAZING battles!
And she’s got SUCH a great taste in Pokémon!
She doesn’t have a Charizard, but with the exception of Gastrodon, which was thrown away after DP and never seen again outside the remakes, all of her Pokémon make my top 150 at least, with about half of them making the list of favorite Pokémon that I made last year!
Spiritomb’s a somewhat underrated tank with no weaknesses until gen 6, Milotic’s an even better tank, Roserade would’ve been on said list if not for the 6 per gen rule, Eelectross is the only fully-evolved Pokémon with no weaknesses after fairies were added, the newly added Porygon-Z is weird, but crazy powerful, Kommo-O’s one of my favorite pseudo-legends, Giratina’s my favorite Sinnoh legend, Glaceon’s my favorite Eeveelution, Braviary’s the most ‘Murican Pokémon ever, Togekiss is my favorite fairy, Garchomp’s my favorite ground and my favorite pseudo-legend and Lucario’s my favorite fighting, my favorite steel, my favorite from gen 4 and one of my best Smash characters!

With this extraordinary lineup of Pokémon, Cindy’s the only champion (besides Red in OG Gold and Silver) to not have any Pokémon share a type in her fights (outside of DP and their remakes, but like I said, she took out her Gastrodon in subsequent games.) Granted, her initial fight in the remakes was nerfed due to permanent EXP All, but in the rematches, her Garchomp is the same level as HGSS Red’s Pikachu! I just barely scraped by my third fight with her and I love it! Granted, I didn’t use revives in that fight, but still!

There was once a point when Cynthia was my only very best waifu, like no one ever was. However, for the past 2 years, there’s been a new Champion of my heart.

Number 1

Well, since I just talked about Cynthia, number 1 should be obvious to a lot of you. She topped my list of party members from her game, I’ve gushed endlessly about her on Twitter ever since and I’ve even dedicated an entire list to her.
So let’s get to her.

My Final Fantasy is…

Tifa Lockhart.
Stop complaining about her boobs being "nerfed!"

Where do I even begin?! There’s so much that I love about this woman that if I didn’t know better, I’d think Square went to the future just to figure out what I love in a woman now, just to put her in FF7 half a year before I was even born!

Side note, in case you care about spoilers for a 25-year-old game, I will be spoiling the original game.

Gorgeous? Check, second to Cynthia in terms of looks, but just barely!
Long, black hair, gorgeous red eyes, lips that I could kiss all day, an amazing smile, lovely legs, strong, beautiful arms, an hourglass figure, nice, firm abs and… ok, fine. She’s one of the bustiest characters on the list, especially in the original. I prefer the remake design, though.

Strong? Check. She can German Suplex anything hard enough to make explosions, Shoryuken spirit dolphins, jump like Luigi while carrying anything one-handed, then make Lonely Island references midair that make more explosions, or channel her inner Captain Falcon, and then there’s her combos in the remake!

Adorable? Check. Not only does she have a cute face, but she has a tough time expressing her feelings and I love it!
Did I mention she's adorable?

Independent? Check. She runs a bar, co-owns a delivery service and ran both simultaneously while taking care of 2 kids when Cloud decided to f**k off because of planet cancer.

Protective? Check. In Advent Children, she fought the embodiment of Seph’s power to protect her not quite adopted daughter! That’s just an example!

Sweet?! Check! This is a woman that, 9 times out of 10, will put others above herself! Take, for example, how you get more affection points from her in the original if Corneo picks Aerith and you say we have to help the latter!Yes, this is actually how it works.
Even if you work for tyrannical electric company governments that ruined her life, she’ll still lend you a hand, unless you’re one of the higher-ups.This moment, though.This is basically Tifa's selflessness in a nutshell.It doesn't matter if you're in a group against her.She looks at the individual, not the group as a whole.She's so sweet!

Loyal?! That check could fund the diamond ring to propose to her with! The one time out of 10 she doesn’t put others above herself, she chose to stay by Cloud in a coma while he has nothing left! Even if she gets sick and risks dying, she stays there, because she still believes he’ll wake up! If that’s not love, I don’t know what is!

Think about that last bit for a second. You notice a pattern with the women in the top half with love interests?
Pyra’s first in-game transformation into Mythra was a result of Rex getting too reckless!
Arc sacrificed herself twice for Shiki, even when he insisted otherwise!
Litchi was willing to team up with @$$holes like Relius, who she knows turned his own wife and daughter into machines and would probably do the same to her, to reset the world, just as long as she can bring back Roy!
Even out of the honorable mentions, Fiora, most modern Zeldas, and sometimes Millia follow this trend!
Here, Cloud’s in a coma on account of swimming in the Lifestream for days, yet Tifa’s still willing to stay by his hospital bed, even when she gets sick and could possibly die! She doesn’t care as long as she makes sure he wakes up!

To paraphrase the Bible, there’s no greater expression of affection than throwing down your life for the one you love! That’s the best kind of SO; one who’s willing to stick with me until the end and hypothetically take a bullet to the head for me! That’s the kind of girl I want in my life and that is what locks Tifa at the number 1 spot in my heart!

This has been Gokuzard, still waiting and hoping that I find the right woman for me. Though I’m not actively searching for her right now. I’m only 24. It’s not a problem. If I’m 35 and still single my whole life, then it might be a problem.

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